Data analysis and Geostatistics
Data analysis and Geostatistics
Subjects covered in the course
data description:
measures of uncertainty:
missing values:
statistical testing:
regression & correlation:
multivariate techniques:
spatial data analysis:
mean - median - mode, histograms, normality, outliers, modality, box and whiskers plots, stem and leaf diagrams
sources of uncertainty, range, standard deviation, variance, inter-quartile range, error propagation
common problem in geology and generally ignored - real missing values vs. detection limits, and how to deal with missing values
hypotheses, confidence levels, value and rank testing, Z-, t-, Chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney tests
Scatter diagrams, Pearson & Spearman correlation coefficients, significance of correlation, curve fitting, (non-)linear models
sum of squares methodology, discriminant function analysis, prin-ciple component & factor analysis, cluster analysis
spatial distribution of data, 3D visualization (isolines, bubble plots, trend surfaces), semi-variograms, kriging
All these aspects will be addressed both in the lectures and in practical sessions. However, you should also consult the book as it provides useful background, examples and more in-depth discussion of these subjects.
Copyright: Vincent van Hinsberg & Simon Vriend
Last updated: January 2022
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